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For over 19 years, older performers and their directors have turned to the Senior Theatre Resource Center for plays, books, materials, and workshops that charm audiences. Whether you are an amateur or skilled professional, we have something for you. Like our many customers around the world, you’ll appreciate our personalized, prompt service. We always remember that our mission is to help older performers fulfill their theatrical dreams. 


Senior Theatre is a growing movement in the performing arts, a fact documented by our comprehensive database, the largest in Senior Theatre. This expansion is fueled by the dedicated work of Bonnie L. Vorenberg, the President of ArtAge Publications who as been passionate about Senior Theatre for over 30 years. She has worked as a teacher, director, author, speaker, and now a publisher to bring you the best in Senior Theatre, all in one spot! Bonnie’s goal is to encourage more involvement in Senior Theatre.



ArtAge’s Senior Theatre Resource Center provides:










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