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2018 California Community Theatre 'Housekeeping' Challenge - Part 3

Welcome to Challenge #3 of the California Community Theatre 2018 'Housekeeping' Challenge!

Challenge #3 - Show an Attitude of Gratitude to Those Giving Their Time

Thank your volunteers - off schedule! Whether or not you have a formal appreciation event or method for your volunteers, spontaneously thank them! Depending on your volunteer base consider one of the following ideas:

  • Send a personal note to new volunteers

  • Include a list of volunteer names in an upcoming program

  • Make calls to thank your long-standing volunteers

  • Ask volunteers to stand and be recognized at a performance

  • Include specific volunteer contributions in an upcoming newsletter

Feeling ambitious or already do all of the above? Make sure your volunteer database is up-to-date. Confirm email and phone numbers, and preferred method of contact. Try to gather info such as years of service, and specific contributions volunteers have made at your theatre.

Do you already have a long-term project to clean up your volunteer contact list or consolidate your contacts into a software program? Take your first 'bite' at that project this month, and lay out your plan to have everything up-to-date: create a timeline and match folks to tasks to help see it through.

Extra credit challenge: Create a proposal for a sponsorship or mini-grant request from a local foundation or business to specifically support your volunteer program. Or create a volunteer assessment plan.

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